Academic Counseling Appointments

Tips for completing this form:

Thank you for contacting the San Jose City College Counseling Department.

In order to process your request in a timely manner, please make sure to include the most updated information on the fields required. Please double-check the information for accuracy in order to better assist you in a timely manner.

Sending multiple requests will only slow down the process and prevent us from expediting your request.

To clear Pre-requisites, Click Here!

If you are new to our college and would like to get started please click here to apply for our school.

- You need your SJCC Student ID # to complete this form. If you do not have an SJCC ID yet, please call (408) 288-3750 for further assistance. *Please note, without a Student Id Number we are unable to make appointments. *

- Request may take up to two business days for processing

* Required field

Student Information:


Counseling Appointment Types:

Appointments will take 30-60 minutes to answer your questions.

Appointments include:

- Educational Planning

- Counseling (Personal, Career, Academic)

- Assessment Results/Review

- Graduation Petition*

- General Ed & Transfer Requirements

- Transcript Evaluation*

- Academic Counseling: Probation/Dismissal

- Financial Aid Petition

*Transcripts are needed if you have gone to other colleges/universities

How would you like our counselor to contact you:


If you select Zoom, the counselor will send you a Zoom Link. Make sure Zoom works before your appointment (test now)!

Sending multiple requests will only slow down the process and prevent us from expediting your request.

Please provide your top three available dates and time availability at least a day or two from today's date: Monday - Friday ONLY

*Please note that selection times may not be available and the next available appointment will be offered.*

Please choose what your counseling appointment is for:

Please choose one of the following: *

** If you have transcripts from other colleges/universities, please make sure to send SJCC the official transcripts before the appointment or upload the unofficial transcripts in the next section. Admissions & Records must have the official transcripts on file before issuing ANY Graduation Petition or Certificates.


Transcripts are needed if you have attended other institutions and making an appointment, or are completing an educational plan or transcript evaluation.

Accepted documentation formats: PDF, jpg, jpeg, png, or bmp. We do not accept Word.doc files.

Note: If sending a screenshot, make sure it includes your name, and the institution's name and must be from the institution's actual website portal.

- How to take a screenshot on a Mac

- How to take a screenshot on a PC

If you are completing a degree/certificate at SJCC, click here to send us your official transcript(s).

Upload: Transcripts


Confirmation: *
Confirmation: *