Prerequisite Clearance Form

Tips for completing this form:

A prerequisite is a course that a student must pass with a "C" or better before enrollment is allowed in the next sequenced course.

- Courses must be from a regionally accredited institution

- You must provide Admissions and Records official transcripts for graduation purposes

- Request may take up to three to five business days for processing

- This form is used to clear prerequisites only. SJCC does not automatically grant credit for course(s) used to clear prerequisites.

- When transferring credit, it is at the discretion of the receiving institution to determine if and what type of credit is granted for the course(s) used to clear a prerequisite.

* Required field

Courses (ONLY completed coursework can be used to clear prerequisites)

Enter the course you would like to have cleared followed by the course you have completed that meets our prerequisite.

- Click here to see our Course Descriptions for pre-requisites required

- You may submit up to three courses per institution at a time or may submit up to six courses for one institution

Transcript(s) Submission Types

Accepted documentation formats: PDF, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, or tif.

Note: We do not accept screenshots nor Word Document files.

Student Information:


Upload: Courses and Transcripts From First Institution

Upload: Courses and Transcripts From Second Institution


Confirmation: *
Confirmation: *
Confirmation: *