The questions below are designed to assist your physician in filling out your FMLA form.  When answering these qeustions it is helpful for you to have your dates of treatment and diagnosis which can be obtained from your office or hospital discharge paperwork.  Please answer these questions as completely and carefully as possible.

Patient Information

Is the cause of your disability an accident or illness? *
Have you ever experienced these symptoms before? *
Is this work related? *
How long do you expect this condition to last? *
Anticipated frequency of future visits
Are you unable to any of your job functions due to the condition? *
Will you be incapacitated for a continuous period due to the condition? *
Will you need to attend follow up appointments or work on a part-time or on a reduced schedule due to the condition? *
What do you anticipate the schedule for your follow-up appointments to be? *
Do you expect to need to be treated at least twice yearly for this condition *
Do you expect episodic flare-ups of this condition? *
Will you need to be absent from work during any flare-ups *
If so are the absences medically neccessary *
Symptoms that prevent you from working. (check all that apply) *
What treatments are you currently receiving?(Check all that apply) *
Hospitalization *
Is the medical condition pregnancy? *
Surgery? *
If you had or are having surgery specify the type
Surgery or post surgery complication? *
Physical limitations *
Was medication, other than over-the-counter medications prescribed? *
Were you referred to other health care providers (like physical therapy or other doctors) to assist in the treatment of your condition? *
How long are the limitations expected to continue? Pick a number and a interval *
Specialty *
By clicking the box I certify that I have read and agree to the HIPAA compliance statement *
By clicking here I certify that the answers I provided to the above questions are complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. *
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