Means Tested - Full Time School Bursary Application Form

This application form is only to be completed for applicants who are entering September 2023.

Entering Year 7: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012 inclusive
Entering Year 8: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2011 inclusive
Entering Year 9: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010 inclusive
The Sylvia Young Theatre School is a specialist performing arts school offering a high level of academic and vocational studies.
Please read and copy the information below for your records.
Stage One
All applicants will be invited to submit their self tape audition pieces where they will be asked to prepare;
• a brief introduction
• acting pieces - Please click here for link for pieces  CLICK HERE
• a song of applicant's choice (2 minutes maximum)
• a dance of applicant's choice (1 minute maximum)
Once you have prepared your 'self tape' audition please email it to;
'Self tape' open date: 1st March 2023
'Self tape' closing date: 29th March 2023
Stage Two
Successful selected applicants will be invited to;
• attend a recall audition in which they will present their audition self tap audition pieces to the panel.
• applicants will sit an academic test in English and Maths.
• Parent/Guardian will be required to submit their Child's latest full school report and complete an independent 'Bursary Means Test' 

Applicant Information

Parent/Guardian Information

0 characters
0 characters
   Legal guardianship
I confirm I have parental responsibility for my child
I confirm I have parental responsibility for my child

Applicant's school history

Please give details of your child's school education listing current school at the top.

If your child is currently attending an independent school that is a member of the ISC, then the ISC code of conduct requires that we make contact with the headteacher. The ISC also supplies records showing whether fees have been paid at previous schools. We will only make contact with the headteacher prior to confirming the offer of a place.
 Date from (mm/yy)Date to (mm/yy)Name of schoolState or Independent
   Current school details
May we make contact with your child's present headteacher?
If YES then please complete the details below.
Educational Needs
Please answer the following questions. Does your child have or receive;

As part of the updates to KCSIE 2020. Schools must now be informed if a child has a social worker.

Is there currently a social worker working with your family?

Additional educational needs?
Additional support in school?
Educational psychologist report?
Individual education plan?
Disability or other condition?
Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Will the applicant require additional time in their academic test?
Will the applicant require use of a lap top in their academic test?

Vocational history

Vocational Schools or Classes attended:
 Name of schoolClasses taken

Medical Information

Does your child have a medical condition
which we should be made aware?
Does your child take regular medication?
Does your child have any allergies?

Application fee

In applying for the Sylvia Young Theatre School bursary award you understand that a place will only be offered if the following conditions are fulfilled;
• A full means test must be completed for successful recall applicants.
• Your child is able to achieve academically on a three day academic timetable.
• Your child's latest full school report.
• School Places within applicant's year group
• Full time students are solely represented by the Sylvia Young Agency Ltd. which is associated with the school. The agency will aim for auditions and professional opportunities for students but these are not guaranteed.
Parent signature 1
Other signature


I / We have read and understood the conditions
Application fee *