SPONSORS and SPS Employees

P-Card Policy and Procedures Form
(To be completed each fiscal year)

You wish to check out a District purchase card (P-card) as a trusted employee to procure goods on behalf of the district. You are responsible for keeping track of how the card is used, and for keeping it safe. And just like any credit card, you should protect against fraudulent use of the card.
In order to check out a P-Card, you must complete the following information, read and agree to all items, and sign the form. Make sure to click submit after you are done. 
1. I understand a P-card is a credit card that enables me and approved sponsors to purchase authorized goods and services on behalf of Stillwater Public Schools. The P-card works like any other credit card and can be used anywhere VISA is accepted, except for unauthorized vendors that have been specifically blocked from use by Stillwater Public Schools. *
2. I understand that a purchase order must be encumbered before a purchase on the P-card can be made. The purchase order must show the name of an approved vendor from which goods and services will be purchased. *
3. I understand the P-card is only for District approved purchases and I will not charge any personal expenses to the card. In the event a P-card is used for an unapproved or personal purchase, I may be held financially responsible for reimbursing the District for the amount of the charge and be considered to have misappropriated District funds. This may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and could be a violation of law that subjects me to criminal prosecution. *
4. I understand that the use of P-cards for meals and incidental expenses during official district travel is not allowed. Instead, employees and Board Members must obtain a Purchase Order for travel expenses before leaving and pay out of pocket for these items during their travel. After their return, they must submit a copy of the Purchase Order, the completed travel reimbursement form and signed itemized receipts to the Finance Secretary to request reimbursement for travel related incidental expenses. Reimbursement is based on the reasonable allowable expenses outlined in Policy DEE-R Travel and Expense Reimbursement. *
5. I understand the P-card is issued in my school site’s Name and has a set limit. Please contact your site's Finance Secretary for issues regarding card limits or if the card is declined. The site Finance Secretary will reach out to the Finance Department for additional help, if needed. The purchase order number and amount will need to be provided when requesting assistance. *
6. I understand I will retain the P-card(s) in a secure location and will not allow unauthorized charges to be made. Unauthorized purchases include purchases of alcohol, gift cards and purchases made without an approved Purchase Order.  *
7. I understand site cards will only be checked out for pre-authorized purchases. A log will be kept of cards checked out and the original itemized receipts or invoices for ALL purchases made with the P-card will be required upon return of the card. (Suggestion: Take a picture with your cell phone at time of purchase as a backup in case of lost or misplaced documentation.) *
8. I understand that I will provide the company/retailer a copy of the District's tax exemption certificate, so no tax will be charged on the receipt/invoice. *
9. I understand if the P-card is lost or stolen, I will immediately notify the school site's Finance Secretary. The Finance Secretary will report the stolen or lost credit card directly to the P-Card servicer and the Finance Department by telephone during office hours and by email after business hours.  *
10. I understand that I will be required to follow internal control procedures and purchasing policies. If at any time the District requests to validate the card’s existence, account number, or its use, I will produce original receipts and statements to support the proper use of the card. *
11. I understand only SPS employees may make authorized purchases with a card and not all SPS employees are provided a card. The assignment of this card is based on need to purchase goods and services on behalf of the District. The card can be revoked at any time based on misuse of the card. I agree to surrender the card immediately upon my transfer to another position or termination of employment for any reason. I understand that the card is not a benefit, term of condition of employment, an entitlement, a prerequisite nor reflective of title or position. *
12. I understand that if fees and interest are accrued due to untimely return of receipts or invoices, the Site's Activity Fund will be charged those fees. *
13. I understand that this form will remain valid and on file for the current school year. *
By signing this electronic form you acknowledge this agreement and will comply with said policies and procedures. * 🛈
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Revised for FY 23-24 - All prior versions are considered obsolete.