Visalia Stake Girls Camp Registration

JUNE 27 - JULY 1, 2023

YCL'S JUNE 26 - JULY 1, 2023

Registration for camp requires different forms and permission slips in addition to this online form.  
You MUST print and fill out the ones linked below and give them to your YW President BEFORE registration closes!

Click here for the Printable "LDS Parent or Guardian Permission and Medical Release Form"
If you need to get the form again, simply return to this page and select the links above. You do not need to register again.  
Please let us know if you give permission for photos of you or your daughter to be posted or distributed for church use. *

Cost: $125 per person.  



Make checks payable to own Ward.  Give all money and forms to Ward YW President. 

Note to Leaders and Ward Clerks!  Each Ward will write one check to Visalia California Stake with the memo of Girls Camp 2023. The amount of the check should be for girls attending.  (Example- 15 girls x $125 = $1815.00)


Dress Standards: 

Please dress appropriately for each activity, activities and schedules will be given to you so you can dress accordingly. Refer to " For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. " 

Follow the camp rules:

Stay in camp, respect others and their belongings.  Respect camp facilities, leaders, staff, and YCL's.


*Parent Section*

Medical/Medications Information and Treatment Consent

Activity Permission and Consent

Activity Permission
Do you give permission and consent for your child to participate in the boating, hiking and other water activities? *
Medical Information and Consent
Does your daughter have any of the conditions listed below?  
If you do not wish to put this information here, you may click the link below and print this secion of the registration form. You must fill it out and give it to the Young Women's President of your daughters Ward.  Without this information, the Young Woman will not be allowed to attend.
Click here for a printable Medical/Medication and Activity Release Form *
Check All That Apply. check "None" if None. *
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Non-Prescription Medication Information 
Prescription Medication Information 

This form needs to be filled out only if you are sending medication with your daughter to camp.

Please note that any medication sent to camp will require the offical Church signed parent/guardian permission slip.  This includes allergy medication and inhalers.  Please read the instructions below carefully, sign, and return to your ward Young Women President prior to attending camp or on the day of departure. If written permission is given by parent/guardian, a camper will be allowed to keep her inhaler with her.

All prescription medication must be in the original bottle from the pharmacy with doctor’s instructions.  All over the counter medication must also be in its original container, and stored in a large Zip-loc bag with the camper’s name and ward boldly labeled with indelible ink.  Please give this medication to your Young Women President prior to attending camp or on the day of departure.

 MedicationDoseHow OftenFor What Purpose
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