We are excited to welcome your church to Radiate!

Thank you for taking the time to complete our online registration form.  

If you have any questions about the registration process please feel free to contact the Main Office at info@pioneercamp.ca

Step One: Registration & Deposit 

Once your registration has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email confirming your registrations, submitting final numbers and arrival details.

A deposit method must be chosen on this form - deposits can be paid either by credit card, cheque, or e-transfer. 

An estimate of your group size - broken into leaders and students by gender will also be required to complete this form.  

Step Two: Final Confirmation

Your group will be required to submit a Group Confirmation Form on the Monday before the retreat which must include the exact numbers of male and female students, male and female leaders, plus dietary, and other special requests.

A link to this form will be emailed to you closer to your arrival at camp.

Final payment will be required no later than two weeks after your visit to camp. Groups will be billed after the retreat is finished. Payment is required to be mailed or sent after the retreat. 

Which Radiate will you be attending? *
Is this your first time attending a Pioneer Camp program? *
Your church must provide a Certificate of Insurance to Pioneer Camp before your arrival. If you are unable to provide a Certificate of Insurance, each student and leader will be required to fill out a Pioneer Camp waiver form. If your church is able to provide the Certificate of Insurance no waivers are required.
Our church will provide: *
Do your church policies require your students to have separate rooms from your leaders?  *
We require a male leader to accompany any male students and a female leader to accompany any female students. The recommended ratio is 5:1 and the minimum ratio is 10:1. All leaders must have been appropriately cleared through your church's child protection policy. By signing below you are acknowledging your compliance.  
We require a male leader to accompany any male students and a female leader to accompany any female students. The recommended ratio is 5:1 and the minimum ratio is 10:1. All leaders must have been appropriately cleared through your church's child protection policy. By signing below you are acknowledging your compliance.  
Signature *
Payment/Liability Credit Card Information (required for damages even if paying by cheque or e-transfer)
Radiate Pricing:
$190 +HST per person

A non-refundable deposit of $50 per person (including leaders) is required to guarantee your spots when registering. Please estimate this number as accurately as possible. You are only guaranteed the spots that you register for. Deposit is due within four weeks of registration.

How would you like to pay your deposit and final bill? *