Quincy Public Schools Pre-Kindergarten Screening Student Information Form
The Quincy Public Schools Integrated Pre-Kindergarten Programs serve 3- and 4-year old children with special needs and their typically developing peers. Classes are half-day sessions held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.  There are a limited number of Pre-Kindergarten seats available and Quincy Public Schools is not able to accommodate all students interested in the program.  
At this time, all seats for typically developing students are filled for the 2023-2024 school year.  Families who have already submitted the form do not need to resubmit the information.
This form is to provide information for your typically developing Pre-Kindergarten student to be screened for the 2024-2025 school year.   Screenings will be held in Spring 2024.  Children must be at least 3 years old on or before August 31, 2024 to be considered for these programs.  Priority is given to 4-year old students.
Special Education Screening – Consistent with the Special Education Act,  Quincy Public Schools conducts screenings for three- and four-year olds in order to identify those who have special needs.  Please call the Snug Harbor Pre-School at 617-984-8951 to make a Special Education screening appointment.
There is a tuition cost for Pre-Kindergarten students who reside in the Atherton Hough, Beechwood Knoll, Bernazanni, Merrymount, Montclair, Squantum, and Wollaston Elementary School district and are not Special Education students.  Transportation is not available for Pre-Kindergarten students.
In order to register for and attend the Quincy Public Schools, students must be residents of Quincy, Massachusetts.
Student Gender