The show will follow the standard "West Coast Horse Show Rules"
Daily High Point categories: In Hand only, Ranch WT, Ranch WTL, NVHA Member. We will only count your highest category points for the day. Ie: if you win both Ranch WT and WTL, whichever one you have the most points in is the one you will win. Your lower score category will be discarded and awarded to the person with the next highest points. You can only win ONE category.
Only current NVHA members in good standing are eligible for the daily NVHA Member High Point.
Superhorse will have a daily prize for Champion and Res Champion. This is an elimination class. If you fail to perform what the judge calls out, they will have you come in to the center and wait. The last horse standing wins, and then we count backward in order of when you were eliminated to determine the rest of the placings. This is a super fun class!
Classes that count for Daily High Point:
In Hand: 2-9
WT: 10-13, 19-22, 27-30
WTL: 14-17, 23-26, 31-34
Member Only, All classes count
There will be no refunds after the show begins.