Please carefully read, check and sign where indicated. It is the SCHOLAR's sole responsibility to submit all required documents within the appropriate time frame.
All Additional Documents can be mailed to:
650 Palisades Ave
Suite 2-127
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
For questions Email:
* Scholar: A recipient of JBF Scholarship.
* Scholarship Award: Student MUST be present at Awards Gala
Student will be recognized & honored at the JBF Gala for their application year
* Award: Award will be paid directly to an accredited institution, on behalf of the full time enrolled Scholar, by The Jessie Banks Foundation.
* Award will be paid within (3) Academic Semesters from Scholar's acknowledgement at
JBF Gala.
* There will be a ONE time payment sent directly to the student's College/University
Bursar's Office