High Twelve International, Inc.
F-200b Club or Association Officer or Meeting Location Report Form
For Reporting Changes 

UPDATED Club Meeting Information

Items with an * are REQUIRED!

Select 1 HTI ZONE Officer for your STATE or COUNTRY This will be a Required Field **

Roberto M. Sanchez, President ROBERTO@HIGH12.ORG
     Zones: DC, HI, ME, All Foregin Clubs,  Presidents Club
Jared Kichline, 1st VP JARED@HIGH12.ORG
     Zones: NCA,KS,IN,AZ,MO
Terry Hills, 2nd VP TERRY@HIGH12.ORG
     Zones: CA, CO,LA,TX,IL
Benjamin Castellamare, 3rd VP BENJAMIN@HIGH12.ORG
     Zones: FL,PA,MI,OH,NJ

** Select ONE email
Change is for: *

UPDATED Officer Information (up to 255 characters can be entered for each comment field)

0/225 characters
0/225 characters
0/225 characters
0/225 characters
0/225 characters
0/225 characters

Additional Comments

0/400 characters

You will receive a detailed email of your submission automatically. You can also send up to 3 additional copies of this submission to anyone you choose.

If required fields  *  are not filled out
you cannot submit the form until corrected.

Missing or incorrect information will be marked in RED.
To be filed only when there is a change in club meeting or officer information.
It is not necessary to USMail a copy of this form to the International Office!
High Twelve International, Inc.
PO Box 2363
Sun City AZ 85372-2363
All rights reserved 2014-24