Employee Annual Self-Evaluation Form - Clinical
Phone: (248) 395-3777, Fax: (248) 395-3370, www.hchs.com28000 Woodward Ave., Ste 100., Royal Oak, MI 48067

Instructions: The Self-Evaluation Form is to be completed by the employee being reviewed.  Please fully read the descriptors for each factor.  Your are encouraged to add comments that pertain to your position accountabilities and performance.


Quality of Work - Documentation *
Job Knowledge *
Interpersonal Skills/Cooperation (applies to client/family/staff) *
Customer Service. *

List three areas of outstanding performance

List three areas that need improvement

Employee Signature:
If on PC/Laptop - Hold down left mouse button while using mouse to sign your name.
If on Tablet/Phone - Use your finger to sign your name *
v1 - 08.09.17
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