Employee Incident Report
Phone: (248) 395-3777, Fax: (248) 395-3370, www.hchs.com28000 Woodward Ave., Royal Oak, MI 48067

Employee Division: *

Employee Information

Property involved? *
Equipment contributed to incident? *
Type of Incident: *
Type of Incident: *
If the incident was a bite, does the child that did the biting have a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)? *

Witness/Client Information:
Was there a witness/client present when the incident occurred? *
(If you were on shift but not with the client at the time the incident occurred, please put the name of the client whose case you were working on at the time the incident took place)

Was it necessary to contact a physician? *
Was the person involved seen by a physician? *
Was a HealthCall supervisor notified? *
v4 - 10.01.23