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Last Name:
Beyond the Classroom: How Administrators Can Drive Early Literacy Through Caregiver Engagement (1 Hour)
Unlocking Success in Texas PreK: Overcoming Challenges with Hatch Solutions (1 hour)
Unlocking Literacy: Exploring the Science of Reading and Early Literacy Strategies (1 hour)
Unlock Remaining ESSER Funds Before the Treasury Sweep: Learn How to Maximize Your Education Resources (1 hour)
Unlocking Success: Georgia DECAL Summer Learning Panel Discussion (1 hour)
From Insights to Action: Navigation Reflective Practices in Education (1 hour)
Unlocking the Science of Reading: Early Literacy Success Through Online and Print-Based Learning CESA Webinar (30 min)
Unlocking the Science of Reading: Early Literacy Success Through Online and Print-Based Learning (1 hour)
Pre-Decodable Readers: Building Literacy Foundations (1 hour)
The Data-Driven Instruction Cycle: Enhancing Child Outcomes Using Data (1 hour)
High-Quality Digital Learning: Selecting Technology That Works for You (1 hour)
STEAM Education in Early Childhood: Strategies and Activities for Teachers and Families (1 hour)
Social-Emotional and Executive Functioning Solutions for the Early Childhood Program (1 Hour)
Maximize Your Early Childhood Funding: A Leadership Panel Discussion (1 Hour)
Learning Interrupted Part II: Starting off the year right (1 hour)
Executive Functioning in Early Learning: Navigating Impulses, Responses, and More (1 hour)
Individualized Instruction for Kindergarten (1 hour)
Game-Based Learning: A Game-Changer in the Early Learning Classroom (1 Hour)
Fostering a Positive Classroom Community (1 Hour)
How Playful Learning Supports Social-Emotional Learning (1 Hour)
Using Data to Inform Instruction (1 Hour)
Science of Reading: Building Pre-Foundational Literacy Skills (1 hour)
Routines and Social Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Education (1 hour)
Bridging the Gap: Ignite Transitional Kindergarten Success
Product Webinar: Reporting in Insights (30 minutes)
Product Webinar: Guided Practice Experiences (30 minutes)
Product Webinar: Archiving Student Data (30 minutes)
Product Webinar: Class Rostering (30 minutes)
How Can Technology Support Whole Child Learning (30 minutes)
Product Webinar: Entry Experiences (30 minutes)
Building Confident Dual-Language Learners with Ignite (1 hour)
How to Find Funding for Professional Development (1 hour)
Mindfulness in Early Childhood Education (1 Hour)
Supporting Social-Emotional Development with Literacy (1 hour)
Cultivating Cultural Identity (1 hour)
Supporting Learning at Home (1 hour)
Take A Deep Dive into Ignite by Hatch (1 hour)
Best Practices to Ensure a Seamless Digital Platform Implementation: A Leadership Panel Discussion (1 hour)
The Impact of an Early Learning Platform That Accelerates up to 2 Levels of Growth in 6 Months (1 hour)
How to Accelerate Learning Using Developmentally Appropriate, Digital Resources (1 hour)
Achieving Growth with Actionable Data: A Leadership Panel Discussion (1 hour)
Sharing Data with Families (1 hour)
Increasing Teaching Strategies Gold Documentation (1 hour)
Learning Interrupted Pt. I: Supporting Children Wherever Learning Takes Place (1 hour)
Reflections from the Field: Teacher Perspective On Distance Learning (1 hour)
Extended Learning (1 hour)
Fostering independent Learning To Help Close the Achievement Gap (1 hour)
Addressing Kindergarten Learning Loss (1 hour)
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