Making a complaint about an FHT accredited course provider

About this form

Please use this form to tell us about your complaint so that we can see if we’re able to help you. 

If you need help with this form, please telephone FHT on 023 8062 4350 and we will do our best to help you.

N.B. FHT does not own nor employ accredited course providers. This form should be used if you have followed the training provider’s complaints policy and the outcome has not been considered satisfactory.

First, please give us your details…
Please note that it may be possible to accept anonymous complaints (where the person making the complaint does not give their name) where the information given relates to professional misconduct, bringing the FHT into disrepute or serious allegations about an FHT member’s fitness to practise however if it is anonymous you will not be updated.
How would you prefer to be contacted? *

Please give the details of the person you are complaining about…

Please give the details of the complaint…

Did anyone else witness the incident? *
Have you gone through the course provider's complaints process? *
0/100 words

Do you have supporting evidence?

List below any supporting evidence you intend to provide

Finally, please read and sign this declaration...

I would like the Federation of Holistic Therapists to consider my complaint. I confirm that all the information I have given is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

By signing this declaration I confirm that:

1. I give permission for the FHT to handle personal details about me, which could include sensitive information, in order to deal with my complaint effectively. I understand that the details provided on this form will only be used for the purpose of handling this complaint.
2. I give permission for the FHT to pass the details of my complaint (including my name – unless anonymous) to the FHT accredited course provider concerned as part of the complaint procedure. 
3. I have read and understood the FHT Complaints Procedure.

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