Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT)

Request Member Logo

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below. Once completed, you will be directed to download a membership logo for use on your marketing materials. Please check that you appear on the Register before downloading the logo.
How information about you will be used
FHT adheres to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your information will only be used to record your agreement with the terms and conditions outlined below.
The information you supply on this Formsite form will be securely transferred outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) in order to process your download.
We will not share your information with third parties.
Terms and conditions for use of Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) membership logos:
Use of an FHT membership logo in breach of these terms and conditions, without the prior written consent of FHT, may constitute trademark infringement in violation of intellectual property rights in the UK. Use of FHT trademarks may be prohibited, unless expressly authorised.

The membership of the FHT may use a logo that defines their grade of membership e.g. you may download the Member logo if you are a full FHT Member.
The membership of the FHT may use a logo that defines their area of expertise e.g. you may download the Sports Member logo if you hold a sports-related qualification.

When using a logo, therapists should not use any other logo than that which describes their membership grade or level of expertise. (For clarification of your membership level please contact 023 8062 4350).

The logo must be used in the colours it is designed in. The only exception is if producing a black and white advert where black can be used.

The image can be enlarged or shrunk, as required, but must always retain the same aspect ratio i.e. it must not be stretched or distorted.

The logo must be used as stated in the FHT Code of Conduct and Professional Practice.

The ownership and copyright of the logo remains the property of the FHT and we reserve the right to withdraw its use at any time.

For logos in any other file format, please email marketing@fht.org.uk
Placement of FHT logo on website and other materials
To avoid any misrepresentation and potential liability under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, the FHT logo must clearly identify the FHT member on the communication materials.

When the FHT member is a sole trader, the logo can be placed on all materials, including the website home page.

In all other instances:

e.g. when FHT members are providing their therapy services at an establishment where other therapists work, it must be made clear that the logo links to the specific FHT members only, and not the overall business.

The logo should preferably be placed next to the FHT member’s name. If there is any concern that the placement is ambiguous please contact the FHT marketing department, marketing@fht.org.uk before publishing the communication.
Logos are available for FHT Member, Fellow, Associate and Student membership levels.
Your details
Which logo do you require? *
I am a: *