Charters Towers Regional Council Application to Hire

Application to Hire/Use - Parks and Associated Facilities

If you require a hardcopy form please contact Council on 07 4761 5300 or

I hereby request approval for the hire of a Charters Towers park and associated facilities as detailed below.

Hire Areas

Please tick as required: *
Lissner Park
Centenary Park
Defiance Mill Park

Applicant Details

Details of Hire

Function Type - Please tick one of the following: *
Anticipated Number of Attendees *
If attendees exceed 50, an Application for Prescribed Activity is required and can be accessed here

Additional Requirements

Lissner Park, Centenary Park and Defiance Mill Park have the option to hire electricity - (See conditions of hire.)


The Park/Facility is hired on the following conditions:
1. That the property will only be used for the purpose described on this Application Form.
2. Council can not guarantee exclusivity of the park and/or associated facility.
3. Hire fees are in accordance with Council adopted Fees and Charges.
3. If paying the hire fees and security deposit by cheque, it is required that this is received 3 business days prior to the function date. All other forms of payment can be made at the time of collecting the keys. The fee structure will be based on the last resolved value, unless the hirer has been granted a variation from Council, in writing.
4. That I/We, the hirer, will be responsible for any damage to, or loss of any part of such property, and further agree to bear the full cost or reinstatement of such damage or loss.
5. That I/We, the hirer, do hereby and declare to indemnify the Council against any liability or bodily injury to any person or loss of, or any damage to any personal property of Council, arising from or caused by the condition of such property and that a public liability cover has been taken out by an Insurance Company indemnifying Council accordingly.
6. That the only entrances to be used by vehicles entering Lissner Park is by the Deane or Anne Street gates.
7. Parking of vehicles is permitted at Defiance Mill Park only in the existing carpark provided, with remaining vehicles to be parked along Boundary Street.
8. That established pathways only are to be used by vehicles.
9. That no vehicles are to be allowed to remain in the park after unloading of goods etc for the function.
10. That organisations/groups using the park will be held responsible for any damage done to irrigation, pipes or fittings, fauna, flora, lawns and grassed areas.
11. That the hirer is responsible to have arranged for all rubbish to be removed from the park at the        conclusion of the function.  The park and/or associated facility is to be left in a clean and tidy condition.
12. No alcohol is to be sold or consumed at the park and/or associated facility.
13. Open-air events. An occupier of premises must not use, or permit the use of, the premises for an open-air event on any day before 7.00am if the use causes audible noise. Noise level from 7.00am to 10.00pm must be below 70dB(A) and from 10.00pm to midnight must be the lesser of the following:
(i)      50dB(A);
(ii)     10dB(A) above the background level.
(Environmental Protection Act 1994)
1. In submitting this application I declare that the particulars provided above are correct in every detail; and
2. Acknowledge that I have read the Terms and Conditions and accept all of the conditions associated with the hire of this facility. 
Acknowledgement of Declaration *

F0061 Application to Hire Parks & Facilities