Live on criteria
All newly admitted First Year, Transfer, and Returning students, under 21 years of age, with a home address outside of the 50 mile radius from the University, who graduated high school or the equivalent, two academic years prior are required to live- on campus. Those who graduated high school or the equivalent, the current academic year must live on for two years. Those who graduated high school or the equivalent one year prior to the current academic year must live on for one year.
Exemptions to the residency requirement categories:
1. 21 years of age: prior to opening day of fall semester.
2. Marriage or children: Students who are married must provide a marriage certificate. Students who have dependent children must provide a birth certificate, and proof of dependency for each child.
3. Financial duress: Students whose financial situation would normally require them to leave Colorado State University-Pueblo if the housing exemption is not granted. If a petition on the grounds of financial duress is being submitted, it is required that the student applies for financial aid and qualifies for need-based aid. The student must also accept at least one type of need-based financial aid which may include student loans. The exemption will not be reviewed until the student has completed their financial aid application and financial aid has been awarded. Once it has been determined that financial duress is warranted the housing department will determine exemption status. You must submit documentation that supports your request and a statement explaining why you are unable to afford to live in the Residence Halls.
*Be aware that signing a lease before being exempted does not qualify as financial duress.
*If you are requesting based on the assumption that living off campus is more affordable, provide a detailed comparison of the costs that you are considering.
4. Medical condition/accommodation: Students who have a medical condition, housing modification, or disability requiring accommodations that cannot be provided through on-campus living arrangements , must contact the Disability Resource and Support Center. Residence Life and Housing will then receive a letter from DRSC office supporting an accomodation that recommends a living arrangement other than lliving on campus.
Disability Resource and Support Center
5.Living with parent(s)/legal guardian (s): Students who will be living with parent(s)/ legal guardian (s) in their permanent principal residence in Pueblo County or within 50 miles of CSU- Pueblo during the entire academic year. You must provide copies of parent(s)/legal guardians ID and a copy of the students with the same address listed. Be aware of the following terms:
A. Students residing with parents/guardians that do not have matching last names or addresses will need to provide documentation that demonstrates their relationship (ex. students birth certificate with parents name, guardianship documentation).
B. There is a continuing obligation to report any changes of address to the Ofice of Residence Life and Housing.
C. A change in the status of address may require the student to live on campus housing pursuant to the University Housing Policy.
D. Falsification of this request or failure to meet this continuing obligation may result in disciplinary action and other consequences.
6.Attending classes online: You must provide a copy of your transcript demonstrating that your classes are all online. If the classes are asynchronous contact your advisor and attach their confirmation that your classes will not require you to be on campus with your request.
7. Extenuating Circumstances: Other circumstances that may not fall into one of the criteria listed above. For consideration, the student must demonstrate that the situation is both unique and unusual and was a significant, unexpected, or major change beyond any reasonable means to the student’s control.Example of situations that would fall under this criteria include but are not limited to: transfer students who will have the necessary credit hours following the transcript evaluation process or an expectant parent with a due date shortly after the semester begins.If you check this box, you must provide detailed documentation.
Important Information
The Exemption Request Form must be accompanied by all the requested documentation before decisions can be made. Students will be notified of the decision via their CSU-Pueblo email account, typically a week after submitting. If a student is not granted an exemption they will be charged for room and board until they are exempt.
The Academic Year Housing Contract is for a full academic year, please plan accordingly. While an exemption for the Residency Requirement might be awarded in a given case, this often triggers financial penalties under the Academic Year Housing Contract and Housing Refund Chart, up to and including full remaining charges due.
You must contact Auxiliary sevices if you have a meal plan in order to get that removed if you have been exempted.
Exemptions will not be granted for choosing to go all online after the 4th week of the semester start.