Dunham House Foundation Scholarship Application

The Dunham House Educational Foundation funds up to a $1000 Senatorial and up to a $2500 Presidential history scholarship for the fall semester 2024-2025 school year.  You can reapply in multiple years.  Winning applicants are allowed to apply every year and are eligible to receive a scholarship up to four times.  To be considered, please fill in the information below as completely and accurately as possible.  Applications will be accepted from January 1, 2024 through midnight on May 25, 2024.  Early, Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.  Follow the Scholarship instruction page completely when submitting your application. For Scholarship winners, attendance at the awards reception in early July is required to receive funds.

Student Information

Race/Ethnicity *
Marital Status *
Residence Status *

The DHEF preferred areas of study include but are not limited to: history, history education, ethnic studies, library science, political science, archaeology, African-American studies, Native American studies, anthropology, architecture, art, economic, elementary education, diplomatic, social, cultural and historic preservation.

Post-Secondary School you are planning to attend or are attending:
College Classification for 2024-2025 school year: *

Academic Records

ACT or SAT Scores:

Parent Information

I have checked with my parents and I am an emancipated adult and my parent(s) DO NOT use me as a deduction on their tax returns. If so, check the box below.
Complete the information below if your parent(s) DO use you as a tax deduction on their taxes
I certify that the information provided on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false, misleading or incomplete information will be the basis for denial or revocation of scholarship funds.  In addition, as a scholarship winner and to receive scholarship funds I am required to attend the scholarship recipient reception, usually held in the first of July.  I understand by clicking on the "submit" button that I agree and understand this statement. *
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