Staff Recommendation Form

The applicant listed above is auditioning to be a member of the American All-Star Instructional Staff.  The Instructional Staff is responsible for summer camp choreography, university camp instruction, and private camp instruction.  At a university camp, it is their responisibility to work one-on-one with their assigned Little Sis team and director, teach routines, and help camp run efficiently and effectively any way they can.  Please answer the questions below to the best of your knowledge about the applicant listed above.  Your response will be kept confidential.
Please choose the best answer for each question. As a student, the applicant: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A
Treats faculty, staff and fellow students with respect
Has good communication skills will adults and peers
Manages time wisely
Is always prepared
Sets a good example for fellow students
Is a well-rounded student
Please choose the best answer for each question. As a dancer, the applicant: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A
Treats teachers and teammates/fellow students with respect
Is an effective instructor
Is capable of correcting without criticizing
Communicates clearly
Manages time wisely
Is always prepared
Sets a good example for teammates and fellow students
Is enthusiastic about dancing/teaching
Has strong leadership skills/experience
I would recommend this applicant to a member of the American All-Star Instructional Staff
By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have answered all questions truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. *