American All-Star
Staff Application
Save & Return Account (optional)
New Users / Returning Users CLICK HERE to setup or return to your account for this form. Creating an account enables you to return to this form and your submitted results. An account will also enable you to partially complete this form and return later to finish. The account you establish is only for this form.

Personal Information


List your previous schools, beginning with the most recent.
Graduated *
Graduated *
Graduated *

Dance/Drill Team Experience

Type (check all that apply) *
0/500 words

Work Experience

0/50 words
0/50 words
0/50 words


0/100 words
0/100 words
0/100 words
By submitting this form, I understand that I am authorizing AMERICAN ALL-STAR, LLC to conduct a background search to verify that the above information is correct. *