Help Us, Help Them, Help Themselves
Matthew's Hope Location
Orange County
Brevard County
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Mobile Phone
I am volunteering as
A representative for a group
Volunteer Availability (Start Date)
End Date
On-site Volunteer Opportunities (9am to 4pm unless noted). Check all interests.
Sort donations and stock items at the Outreach Center
Support Outreach
Assist in the Woodshop
Help with preparations for Outreach
Teach Life Skills Class (Friday 9am-10am)
Teach Bible Study (Friday 4:45pm-5:45pm)
None of the above (Off-site)
Off-site Volunteer Opportunities. Check all interests.
Make breakfast sandwiches, lunch sandwiches, or desserts for Outreach
Lead project for children
Lead a donation drive for needed items
Host a fundraiser
Do you have any specialized skills?
I have an idea or question: