Organizational Culture Assessment 

This simple Organizational Culture Assessment from Transformational Business Dynamics will open the door for you discover behavioral aspects that create the quality of your Organizations Culture. 

The answers paint a picture of your cultural dynamics, (dynamics, the way people come together) or behaviors and will help us see how we can help you transform your Culture and increase your capacity to achieve your Organizational Objectives. 

Enjoy your processing, there are no right answers, there is what is real for you. 


Language is a behavior that that directly drives or limits performance.  Change your language expand your capacity to create.

Below are a few questions to help us see the language you use or the behavior that is creating or limiting performance.

2. Have you heard, thought or said out loud, "You should..." or "You shouldn’t have..." or "I should..." or "I shouldn't have..." *
3.a. Do you avoid communication? Have you avoided correcting or confronting a team member because you don’t want to hurt their feelings or you believe it will not go over well? *
3.b. Do you avoid communication? Have you avoided communication because you don’t trust yourself or worry about their reply or their retaliation? *
3.c. Or have you noticed others avoiding communication? *
Effective coaching empowers people to drive themselves to perform in the face of adversity.  Coaching is generated out of an agreement to perform/participate.  We are now going to look at how you Make and Manage Agreements so that we can discern your capacity to empower others to, choose to achieve. 
4.a. Making an Agreement, Setting up a Coaching Opportunity: Do you make agreements? *
5.a. Managing an Agreement, Delivering Coaching: Do you manage the agreements you make? *
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