Contact Information

Booth Specs

Please Select Booth Size *
Note: additional vendor passes cost $200. Limit is one additional pass per 10x10 vendor; two additional passses per 10x20 vendor. Must be used for working staff only.

Note: All food vendors are required to have a permit to operate at events that are open to the public. At least one person per booth must have a valid food worker card posted.
Total Amps Requested (20 amps included with booth space; additional power available, cost TBD) BE SPECIFIC *
Any connection requirements outside of an Edison outlet? (Vendors are responsible for all cabling.) *

Vendor Requirements

Vendor Payment & Confirmation: We will contact you via email if your application is approved. For approved vendors: your booth fee is due in full by June 1st, 2022. Your booth space is not confirmed until both your booth fee and COI have been received.
Insurance Requirements:  All approved vendors must provide a Certificate of Insurance to Summer Meltdown by June 1st, 2022, with limits of no less than $1 Million General Aggregate, $1 Million Each Occurrence, $1 Million Products & Completed Operations, $50,000 Damage to Rented Premises, $50,000 Fire, Medical, and Auto Insurance. Information regarding additional insureds will be provided at the time of Vendor acceptance.
Fire Extinguishers: All vendors must have a 2A10BC fire extinguisher in plain view at all times, with a current annual inspection certificate. Vendors using combustible cooking media must provide a Class K extinguisher. 
Canopies/Booths: All tents/canopies must be properly weighted with adequate sandbags or weights. Staking into the ground is not allowed. Vendors must provide fire proofing certification. 
Propane & Charcoal Usage: Charcoal is NOT permitted anywhere on the premises. Please contact the Vendor Coordinator to discuss Fire Department guidelines for use of propane.
Replenishment: Vendors may replenish stock via vehicle during designated morning times. This will be strictly enforced. 
I have read the insurance requirements provided above, and I understand that if I am accepted to vend at Summer Meltdown I must provide payment and a certificate of insurance no later than June 1, 2022, in order to confirm my booth. *

Menu Details

Please note: as of 2018, the festival does not permit single-use cups or plastic water bottles. All dishware, utensils, and cutlery must be compostable or reusable. This will be strictly enforced.

*If upload of full menu is unavailable: complete the item and price information below.

Additional Questions

Have you vended at Summer Meltdown before? *
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