202 Koline Banner

Get out of the cold and warm up at the SCC on February 9, 2020, as we celebrate our mid-winter feast of KOLINE!  Lent is coming and we need to use up the meat!  You will enjoy a full day of faith, FOOD, and fun!

11:00 am Sunday Mass (in church).

12:00 pm Doors open.

12:30 pm Annual  “Sausage Dance” as performed by the
Slomšek Slovenian School!

Dinner is served— blood sausage, white sausage, pork, krofe and many
other goodies!

After dinner entertainment will be provided by Ansambel Veseljaki.

Your afternoon isn’t complete until you sample a few of our local wines up for tasting as they are judged for the best wines for 2019!

Tickets are $25 for member adults, $35 for non-members.
Students 7-14 are $10 and children 6 and under are free.
Pre-paid reservations are required and due by February 2nd!


Če ste ljubitelj dobre hrane, prijetne družbe, potem prav gotovo ne boste zamudili pravih slovenskih kolin, ki jih bomo pripravili v slovenskem kulturnem centru v nedeljo 9. februarja po 11. sveti maši.  Za ta tradicialni zimski praznik vam bomo servirali krvavice, bele klobase, svinsko pečenko, krofe in razne druge dobrote.  Vstopnice za to praznovanje so po $25 za odrasle, $10 za mlade od 7-14 let, za mlajše od 6 let pa je vstop prost.  Reservacije sprejemajo do 3. Februarja.  Pridite, ne bo vam žal!

We strive to make all of your events enjoyable and kindly ask that when making a reservation for any of our “reservations required” events, all reservations correspondence be made to the Center. This enables our reservationists to more efficiently complete the seating arrangements and communications with our caterers. Please direct all e-mails, texts, or phone calls to the Center.
If you have a question or need to change a reservation, we kindly ask you to e-mail us at secretary@slovenian-center.org or call at 630.243.0670.
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Clergy (i.e. priest, nun, monk)


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Slovenian Catholic/Cultural Center
14252 Main Street, PO Box 634
Lemont, IL 60439-0634

Phone Number: 1.630.243.0670