In 2019, Friends of the Foundation was created to develop a network of concerned individuals who desire to support the financial and operational sustainability of the South Carolina Nurses Foundation, Inc (Foundation) to achieve its mission and to honor nurses who have made a significant and lasting contribution to the profession on a statewide basis in SC.
In 2024, Friends of the Foundation is honoring Pi Johnson. Pi has been a nurse leader in our state for over 40 years, supporting nurses across the state through Palmetto Gold and the South Carolina Nurses Foundation. Her work has inspired nurses and student nurses for decades, providing positivity to the nursing profession across South Carolina.
To become a member of the Friends of the Foundation and to honor Pi Johnson, complete the donor information below and make your contributions to SCNF - Friends of the Foundation. When completing this form, you will have the opportunity to make your contribution by check or by using your credit card via PayPal.
Previous Honorees
2019 - Renatta Loquist
2020 - Stephanie Burgess