LA 43 WAITLIST Program Application. Please complete this application if you wish to be added to the LA 43 waitlist. Sometimes, someone who was initially accepted into the program can no longer participate due to a change in personal or professional circumstances. When that happens, we fill the spot in the class with someone from the waitlist.

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IMPORTANT: This form may take you 30 minutes or more to complete. If you do not think you will finish in one session, you must either create an account now by clicking the "Log in" button on the right or by clicking the "Save Progress" button at the bottom of the form. Clicking either button will prompt you to set up an account which will then allow you to return and complete a partially finished application.


Race/Ethnicity *



EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Please list your most recent previous employer.

EDUCATION HISTORY: Provide up to two (2) beginning with the most recent.

VOLUNTEER, CIVIC AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Describe up to two (2) current or past experiences, beginning with the most recent, and not including professional or business affiliations.

PERSONAL REFLECTIONS: Please keep your responses to 400 words or less.

What learning aspects of the Leadership Asheville Program interest you most?

REFERENCES: Please list two (2) people who are knowledgeable about your leadership experience or potential, ethics, and maturity.

TUITION INFORMATION - Please note that a separate form must be completed if you are requesting financial assistance. You many access that form by copying and pasting the following URL into your browser:

Tuition will be paid by: *