How to Use Information About Your Constitution (Prakriti)

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The ancient system of Ayurveda from India was derived from the Vedas about 6,000 years ago. It is not just a system to treat disease and imbalance, but a sophisticated method of creating balanced, enlightened people. Understanding your constitution according to Ayurveda can help one determine the most beneficial diet, what foods to avoid and what kind of weather aggravates the condition. Knowing your Ayurvedic constitution can have many benefits for your life and health.


Self-understanding, which is the foundation of life, is greatly increased by living in balance. Ayurveda says that every person is unique. By understanding your constitution you can better understand your psychological tendencies, your strengths, weaknesses as well as your physiological strong and weak areas.


 An awareness of the tendencies people of your constitution have toward certain imbalances can help you avoid them. Examples would be pitta (fire) irritability and inflammations, kapha (water) laziness and obesity, vata (air) erratic lifestyle and constipation. Most people have a mix of these types, and more rarely, some have equal amounts of each type.


If you can anticipate the kinds of illnesses and imbalances you are likely to have, you can take precautions to prevent them. Ones’ lifestyle can be adjusted, routine, diet, amount or type of exercise and so on to keep your health at its best. Although imbalances will be most often found in your dominant dosha, they can be aggravated in the other doshas as well. The constitutional types are descriptions of our DNA.


You can also use the knowledge of constitutional types to better understand family members, romantic relationships and co-workers. This understanding can bring clarity and compassion to your interactions. 

Body size *
Body weight *
Skin *
Teeth *
Hair *
Nose *
Eyes *
Lips *
Nails *
Chin *
Cheeks *
Neck *
Chest *
Belly button *
Belly *
Hips *
Joints *
Digestion *
Appetite *
Taste preference *
Thirst *
Elimination *
Physical activity *
Mental activity *
Faith *
Stress response *
Intellect *
Recollection *
Sleep *
Dreams *
Speech *
Financial *
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