Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Target Range Grant Application

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I certify that I have read and understand the LDWF Target Range Grant Program General Information document. *
I am applying for (check one): *

Contact Information

Type: *

Proof of Ownership or Legal Control

Facilities may be developed on land owned in fee simple by the participating agency or entity. In locations where ownership of less-than-fee simple interests exist you must be able to describe the ownership structure. Less-than-fee interests such as a lease which provides control of the property commensurate with the proposed development's useful life are acceptable. All less-than-fee interests must be described.
For all properties already under the legal control of the Applicant and proposed for development, the Applicant must provide LEGIBLE evidence of legal control.
1. Recorded deed(s),
2. Lease agreements,
3. Easement agreements, or
4. Drafts of the lease or easement, with a letter of intent from the current deed
holder or landowner to enter into the agreement.

Project/Site Information

Type: *
Project Statement:
Please describe the project purpose, benefits, design, techniques to be
used, and major product features. Must provide a detailed description of the project; see the example here.

Range Opportunities: Please provide the types of shooting opportunities this project will provide (please check all that apply): *
Required Maps:

Site Photographs:

Site Plan:

Planned Operations:
Please indicate which days the project will be open for public use (select all that apply): *
Environmental Stewardship/Lead Management

Financial Information

Total (Requested Grant + Sponsor Matching):
Type of Matching Fund (Select all that apply): *

Additional Information

Have you previously received funding through LDWF for other projects? *

For questions or assistance with this application, please contact the LDWF Range Enhancement Coordinator at (337) 491-2201 or wlfrangegrants@wlf.la.gov
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