LDWF Website Experience Survey

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is committed to providing the best possible online experience for our community. To help us better understand how we can improve our website and better serve your needs, we invite you to participate in a brief survey. Your feedback is invaluable in guiding us to make the necessary updates and enhancements. Whether it's ease of navigation, access to important resources, or the overall design, we want to hear from you. Thank you for helping us improve!
LDWF Website
2. Were any parts of the website confusing or unclear? *
3. Was the search tool helpful and accurate? *
4. Were there any features you expected but couldn't find? *
5. Did our website function well on your mobile device? *
6. Do you find our website design visually appealing? *
7. Is it easy to understand which licenses you need on our website? *
8. Is the website layout intuitive and user-friendly? *
9. Did you find the images and multimedia engaging and relevant? *
11. Do you think content is missing from the LDWF website that should be included?
12. What was the primary purpose of your most recent visit to our website? *
13. What’s your affiliation with the department? (multiple responses are possible)
15. Gender
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