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LOF Document Submission Portal

Quarterly Progress Report
Grantees are required to submit Quarterly Progress Reports to LDWF to ensure that LDWF is aware of the project’s progress as related to timeline and milestones identified in the application. The progress report summarizes the work accomplished to date, any issues that may be arising with the project, an estimated percentage of project completion, and an estimate of funds to be expended over the next quarter. Photos or other documents are required in communicating the status of your project.

Donation & Volunteer Documents

Donations are third party contributions provided at no cost. Items and services are considered donated when they are provided by a third-party organization at either a reduced or cost-free basis. Some examples include surveys, appraisals, and engineering services. You must retain a Donation Attestation Form from the organization acknowledging the donation and its value.

The value of donations cannot be reimbursed, cannot include items previously purchased with Louisiana Outdoors Forever funds, and cannot be reported on more than one grant, even if it is unassociated to the project. To be counted towards a project’s match, donations must be documented on the Donation / In-Kind Tracking Form.

Volunteer Labor Tracking Form: Donated labor is time provided by a person without compensation. Labor donations are valued at an hourly rate of pay, excluding taxes, benefits and overtime.

Reimbursement Request
Applicants will be required to submit to LDWF a Request for Reimbursement and Expediture Worksheet as well as detailed documentation (e.g. proof-of-purchase, proof-of- payment, force account details, etc.) and Quarterly Progress Report prior to reimbursement.

Special Requests
Grantees may request project term extensions if the project is expected to exceed the 24 month deadline. Extensions will be limited to an additional 120 days and approved or disapproved by LDWF staff.
Grantees may request to change the scope of the original project by completing a Project Agreement Amendment Request.

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