Welcome to the TechCXO Alignment Healthcheck™


Absence of Alignment

A Strategic Problem in Today’s Business Leadership

How Much is it Costing You?


Misalignment costs businesses over $1 trillion annually. Given alignment's impact on employee engagement and customer satisfaction, highly aligned organizations increase revenue 58% faster and are 72% more profitable than unaligned organizations, quoted by LSA.

Forrester Consulting reports, "Investing in a strategic and systemic alignment allows their organizations to stay competitive and makes them a leader in their industry."

Many companies are experiencing a strategic problem with misalignment among executives and mid-level leaders. 

Our 25-question Alignment Healthcheck™ pinpoints your company's areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Then, working with TechCXO we'll identify root causes, develop a plan of action, and assist in execution.

Let’s get started, this’ll take less than ten minutes
and your answers are CONFIDENTIAL...

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