Inside Pictures 2025 / Application Form




Before completing this form, we strongly suggest you read the guidelines on our website.

When completing this form, please take into account the following points:

  • You will not be able to submit this form unless you answer all of the questions bearing an *.
  • You will not be timed out of this form however, there is no facility to save and continue it at a later date.
  • Once you click submit, a confirmation page will appear to advise that your form has been sent and will offer you a link to view your completed form. You are advised to save and/or print a copy of this for your records. You will also receive an automated email confirming receipt.
  • You will need the following uploads to complete this form successfully:
  1. Company Profile (To include: mission statement, what the company does/position in the market, size and brief history of the company)
  2. CV
  3. Professional reference
  4. Equal Opportunities Form (Optional)

If you are applying as a producer, we ask that you give details of the projects you have worked on and your development slate, by completing the relevant sections of the form and uploading a list of credits and a development slate.

In some cases, it may be relevant for you to complete these sections of the application form and upload these materials even if you are not applying as a producer.

In all cases, we ask that:

  1. The list of credits/filmography includes the following details on each project: Title, Genre, Language, Year of Production, Production Budget, Country of Origin, Sales Agent, Territories in which the project was distributed, Details about your role as producer on the project)
  2. The development slate includes, as much as possible, all of the above details. Where these details are not available please include what is anticipated.

You may wish to upload a list of credits and development slate for projects you have worked on in a capacity other than a producer. If you do please include all details mentioned above.

Please note: This application form will be reviewed and you may be invited to an interview. If you are successful at the interview, you will be sent an offer email in early April. This email will contain an invoice for a non-refundable payment of 30% of the course fee. To secure your place, you are required to respond with proof of payment within 24 hours. Failure to do so may result in the offer being extended to a candidate on the Reserve List.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Sunday 9th March 2025, 23.59hrs GMT.


1. About You
2. How did you learn about Inside Pictures: *
3. Have you applied to Inside Pictures before? *


1. Please confirm your availability for an online interview via Zoom in late March by ticking all the statements that apply to you. *
2. It is a condition of the programme that you are able to attend full-time on ALL of the following dates. Please tick the boxes below to confirm you would be able to do this should you gain a place. *
IMPORTANT: We cannot accept applications from people who cannot attend all of the modules.
3. Do you know of any reason that would prevent you from obtaining a visa for entry to the USA? If yes, please state the reason. *
IMPORTANT: Attendance of all modules is mandatory. Obtaining a visa and/or appropriate passport and access authorisation to enter the USA will be the participants' responsibility, not the responsibility of the programme organisers. 


In this section, we ask that you provide invoicing details. This is because if you are offered a place on the programme, a non-refundable deposit of 30% of your course fee will be required upon acceptance to secure your place.

Please confirm your understanding by ticking the checkbox below. *


Explanation of Fee Structure:

The fee you will pay will be dependent on your circumstances. Please read the descriptions below and select the most appropriate fee for you. If in doubt, please contact the IP team. The description of each category of fee is below:

UK Freelance: £6,500

This rate is reserved for individuals operating as ‘sole traders’, who are not part of a company and do not have employees.

UK Corporate: £8,500

This rate is for individuals who are employed by a company and not operating as sole traders.

International* Freelance: £8,500

This rate is for non-UK nationals who operate as sole traders and are not employed by a company.

International* Corporate: £9,800

This rate is for non-UK nationals who are employed by a company.

* EU nationals who have been granted settled or pre-settled status under the EU settlement scheme may be eligible for “UK Fees”, subject to meeting the residency requirements. (You need to be ordinarily resident in the UK or EEA for 3 years prior to the start of your course).

1a. Which fee level would you like to apply for? Tick all that apply *
1b. Do you work as an employee in a company, as a freelancer/sole trader or as a business owner? *


Given the high volume of applications, Inside Pictures maintains a reserve list for all candidates who have been interviewed. If you are interviewed for the programme and wish to opt out of being included on this list, please indicate your preference below.



We ask applicants to provide two references, one of which should be submitted with this application, the other will be sought by Inside Pictures directly if you are selected for interview.  

TO UPLOAD NOW: Professional Reference: this is a written reference to include with your application and is to vouch for you in your professional capacity. It should be from someone in the industry with whom you have worked extensively during the last year. It should not be from someone in your company or someone who works with you on a daily basis.

All references should be on company letterhead paper and should bear the date. It should also include the name, company, job title and signature of the person giving the reference. 

We ask all applicants to submit the questions below for their professional referee to answer:

1.    How do you know the applicant

2.    Why is the applicant a good candidate for Inside Pictures 2025?

3.    In your opinion are there any areas in terms of knowledge, skills or personal development which we can help develop during the programme?

INSIDE PICTURES TO OBTAIN UPON OFFER OF AN INTERVIEW: Character Reference: this is to vouch for your personal character. This can be someone from your company or the organisation you work for. Please include this referee's details and we will contact this referee after applications close.

We will contact all character referees before the interviews, so please make sure they are available to be contacted and that their details are correct. Failure to secure a referee will impede your application.

When choosing a referee, please note the following guidelines - the most useful referee is someone who: works or has worked with you in a professional context during the last year; can attest to your performance and character; is an international executive or producer of some stature; has some knowledge of what Inside Pictures is, and what it requires from participants.

We will contact all character referees between 13th - 21st March, so please make sure they are available to be contacted at this time and that their details are correct. Failure to secure a referee will impede your application.

Professional Referee:

Character Referee:


Inside Pictures encourages applications from and gives equal access to all sections of the community. To help us monitor this, please download the form via the following link, fill the form in and upload it in the Upload section of this application - thank you.

The information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes only. Please tick 'Prefer not to say' for questions you do not wish to answer. This is entirely optional and not a core requirement of your application.

Equal Opportunities Form.


List of Credits (For producers and where relevant to your application)

If you are applying to Inside Pictures as a producer, we ask that you complete the following sections of the application form AND that you upload a list of credits and a development slate with information about each project. Please refer to the guidelines for instructions as to what information to include.

If you feel a list of credits and a development slate are relevant to your application even if you are not applying as a producer, you are welcome to follow the instructions above.

Are you applying as a producer? *
Please list the details of up to five film/TV projects you have produced, and elaborate on the exact nature of your involvement in the project.
All credits should be no more than 5 years old. You are free to supply a more thorough filmography/list of credits as an upload at the end of this application form.
Please list the details of up to five film/TV projects you have on your development slate, and elaborate on the nature of your involvement in the project.
You are free to supply a more thorough development slate as an upload at the end of this application form.
Please list the details of up to five film/TV projects you have produced, and elaborate on the exact nature of your involvement in the project.
All credits should be no more than 5 years old. You are free to supply a more thorough filmography/list of credits as an upload at the end of this application form.
Please list the details of up to five film/TV projects you have on your development slate, and elaborate on the nature of your involvement in the project.
You are free to supply a more thorough development slate as an upload at the end of this application form.

1st Project

2nd Project

3rd Project

4th Project

5th Project

1st Project on Development Slate

2nd Project on Development Slate

3rd Project on Development Slate

4th Project on Development Slate

5th Project on Development Slate


0/1000 characters
0/3500 characters
0/3500 characters
0/3500 characters
0/3500 characters
6. Training 
What professional training programmes have you attended previously?
(please include any formal training provided internally by your employer)
 Training BodyYearCourse completed
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
0/2100 characters


Data Protection:

  • Part or all of the information you provide us will be held on a computer and used for statistical purposes. It will also be used for the administration of applications and scholarships (If applicable).
  • We may provide copies of the information in confidence to individuals or organisations that are helping us assess applications or monitor funding.
  • Should your application be successful and you gain a place on the course, your name, title, company and email address will be added to the closed IP Network, which can be viewed by Inside Pictures alumni only.

I confirm that all the statements and information on this form are correct and true. Any materials I have sent in support of my application are also correct and true. I am happy for you to provide copies of this form and any supporting material to any person or organisation you wish to consult about my application.

I am over eighteen years of age and I am not an undischarged bankrupt.

Should my application be successful and I accept the offer of a place, I undertake to comply with all the terms of the acceptance of the offer of a place by paying the non-fundable deposit of 30% of my course fee, and to comply with the participation contract I will be required to sign. This includes undertaking to pay the remainder of the course fees payable by me, no later than 14 days before the start of the course in June.



File size: Between 50KB and 5MB

Max. file size: 1MB

If you are applying as a producer, or feel the following requested documents are relevant to your application please upload here:

Max. file size: 5MB


Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

Please submit this Application by 23:59 (GMT) on Sunday 9th March 2025.

If you have any questions about this form or the programme, please contact Corinne Ranaraja, Director of Operations, or Rummy Bhandal, Programme Coordinator.

Contact information:



DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Sunday 9th March 2025, 23.59 GMT

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