Inside Pictures 2016 / Application Form


You will not be able to submit this form unless you answer all of the questions bearing an *

You will not be timed out of this form.

If you require a copy of this form, please save a version on your system before submitting.

Once you click submit, a confirmation page will appear to advise that your form has been sent. You are advised to take a screenshot of this page for your records.

You will not be sent an automated email confirming submission. You may contact the programme if you are unsure whether your application has been received.

We anticipate contacting all applicants to advise on the status of their application between 18 and 25 March.

If you have any questions about this form or the programme, please contact Corinne Ranaraja, Director of Operations via email: or cell: +44 7863 548 263

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Sunday 13 March 2016, 18.00hrs GMT.


1. About You
2. How did you learn about Inside Pictures: *
3. Have you applied to Inside Pictures before? *


1. The first round of interviews will be held in March via skype, and the second round of interviews will be held in London in April. Please confirm your availability for interview via skype in March by ticking the box below. If you are unavailable during this week, please explain in the box provided. *
2. Please confirm your availability for the second round of interviews in London in April by ticking all the statements that apply to you, and if you are unable to attend please explain in the box provided. *
3. We strongly advise anyone invited to interview to make every effort to attend in person, if at all possible. Unfortunately, Inside Pictures cannot cover the cost of attending. Were you to be offered an interview, do you anticipate you would be able to attend in person? *
4. It is a condition of the programme that you are able to attend full-time on ALL of the following dates. Please confirm you would be able to do this should you gain a place. *
IMPORTANT: We cannot accept applications from people who cannot attend all of the modules.
5. Do you know of any reason that would prevent you from obtaining a visa for entry to the USA? If yes, please state the reason. *

IMPORTANT: Attending module 2 of the programme in Los Angeles is a requirement of participation.

Obtaining a visa and/or appropriate passport to enter the USA will be the participants' responsibility, not the responsibility of the programme organisers.


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The Participation Fee for Inside Pictures is Euro 6,000 per person.

You are required to investigate how you would fund the fee before interview stage. Please ensure you have read the 'Bursaries and Scholarships' section of our website, and be aware of the difference between these two forms of financial assistance.

If you require finance from Inside Pictures Scholarships, the scholarship section of the form must be completed at this stage.

IMPORTANT: it is not possible to request a scholarship after application stage. If you believe there is the possibility you may require a scholarship, you are strongly advised to complete the scholarship application form now.

Do you want to apply for an Inside Pictures Scholarship? *

Inside Pictures Scholarship Application Form

Please complete this form if you want to be considered for an Inside Pictures scholarship to attend the programme, should your application be successful. Please ensure you have read the 'Bursaries and Scholarships' section of our website.
1. Employment status:
a) Are you currently employed? *
c) Are you currently freelance? *
d) Are you currently self-employed / company owner? *
2. Training
What professional training programmes have you attended previously?
(please include any formal trainings provided internally by your employer)
 Training BodyYearCourse completed
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
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Please provide the contact details of two creative industries referees. Please note that referees for all interviewees will be contacted prior to interview. 

When choosing a referee, please note the following guidelines. The most useful referees are those who:

  • works or has worked with you in a professional context during the last year;
  • is be able to attest as to your performance and character;
  • is an international executive or producer of some stature;
  • has some knowledge of what Inside Pictures is, and what it requires from participants;
  • will be available to respond to our request for a reference some time between 16 March and 8 April 2016.
1st Referee:
2nd Referee:


Inside Pictures encourages applications from and gives equal access to all sections of the community. To help us monitor this, please provide us with the following information. (The information you provide in this form will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes only.)


Statement - please agree to the following statements before submitting.

Data Protection:

  • Part or all of the information you provide us will be held on computer and used for statistical purposes. It will also be used for the administration of applications and scholarships.
  • We may provide copies of the information in confidence to individuals or organisations that are helping us assess applications or monitor funding.
  • Should your application be successful and you gain a place on the course, your name, title, company and email address will be added to the closed IP Network, which can be viewed by Inside Pictures alumni only.


By uploading my photograph with this application, I hereby give Inside Pictures permission to use my image for promotion of the programme online and in print materials, should my application be successful and I gain a place on the programme.

I confirm that all the statements and information on this form are correct and true. Any materials I have sent in support of my application are also correct and true. I am happy for you to provide copies of this form and any supporting material to any person or organisation you wish to consult about my application.

I am over eighteen years of age and I am not an undischarged bankrupt.

Should my application be successful and I accept the offer of a place, I undertake to comply with all the terms of the participation contract I will be required to sign. This includes undertaking to pay the course fees payable by me, no later than 14 days before the start of the course in June.



Max. file size: 1MB

Max. file size: 5MB


Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

Please submit this application by 18.00 (GMT) on Sunday 13 March 2016.

If you have any questions about this form or the programme, please contact: Corinne Ranaraja, Director of Operations, via email: , or cell: +44 7863 548 263


DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Sunday 13 March 2016, 18.00 GMT