189 South Norwood Hill, London, SE25 6DJ
Telephone 202 8653 0850
Email registry@spurgeons.ac.uk     Web Site www.spurgeons.ac.uk

Internal Transfer Form

Please indicate which pathway or mode of study you wish to transfer to. *

Mode of study *
If you are currently receiving student finance or wish to apply for student finance please inform SLC that you are changing courses or modes of study as your course code will change. You will need to ensure your eligibility prior to your transfer.

Spurgeon's College is an approved partner of The University of Manchester and is a collaborative centre of the University of Wales. A member college of the Baptist Union, a member of the Evangelical Alliance and a member of the Micah Network.  Registered Charity number 1096721 and a Company Limited by Guarantee number 4418151 registered in England.

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