Assignment Feedback Review Form

We value the insights our students can give us about the helpfulness of feedback they receive on their assignments. Students can help us to improve and hone our comments in a way that ensures continued enhancement of their learning experience. Your comments will be reviewed and will be fed back to individual members of staff or to the teaching staff as a whole.

Did you receive any in-class guidance on how assignments are marked? *
Did you feel this guidance was reflected in the feedback you received?
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with these statements: The feedback I received was: *
 TotallyPartlyNot at all
Was accessible and clear
Was encouraging and motivating
Offered constructive guidance on how to do better
Helped me to understand my mark
Will help me as I approach my next assignment
Please indicate here the forms of feedback you received: *
Summative narrative comments
Standardised comments inserted into the essay text
Personalised comments inserted into the text
Poor Practice Feedback Form
Additional oral feedback

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The information that you have submitted on this form will only be used for the specific stated purpose, as outlined in the privacy notice. A copy of our privacy notices can be found on our website.
Spurgeon's College is an approved partner of The University of Manchester and is a collaborative centre of the University of Wales. A member college of the Baptist Union, a member of the Evangelical Alliance and a member of the Micah Network.  Registered Charity number 1096721 and a Company Limited by Guarantee number 4418151 registered in England.
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