GHTRA Spring Swing Golf Tournament
Monday, May 23, 2022

Join restaurateurs and industry leaders for an interactive day at our Annual GHTRA Spring Swing Golf Tournament. Our 32nd Annual GHTRA Spring Swing Golf Tournament, set for Monday, May 23, 2022, and will be hosted at Kingwood Country Club. With more than 250 restaurateurs and industry professionals participating, this is an exceptional opportunity to gain maximum exposure to an engaged target audience. Find your participation level below, or contact the GHRA for unique sponsorship opportunities.

The schedule for the day: 
9:00 am     Registration/Breakfast/Driving Range Opens
10:00 am   Shotgun Start/Games of Skill Contest
2:30 pm    Raffle, Awards, and  Happy Hour (Cash Bar will be available with dinner)

The awards ceremony will begin approximately 30 minutes after the last player is done from each course!

The tournament includes Breakfast, Fun Foods, Snacks, Beer & Beverages, Mulligans & Games of Skill. At the tournament, you can buy a chance on a huge variety of raffle prizes!

Contact Information

Includes: Breakfast, Fun Foods-Light Bites, Snacks, Beverages, Happy Hour Awards, Mulligans, Closest to Pin and Players Gift
Method of Payment
Choice of course (Gold sponsorship or higher)

Checks Payable to Greater Houston Restaurant Association, or call the office with a credit card number.

 Please submit by email or mail to the GHTRA office

All Entries must be paid in full with a credit card or check prior to May 9, 2022.
No refunds after April 15, 2022.

Mail: 550 Westcott; Suite 380, Houston, Texas 77007

For more information, call 713.802.1200 or visit


Proceeds benefit the GHRA Scholarship Fund, the Texas Restaurant Association Education Foundation, and other deserving local culinary institutions and charities.

Greater Houston Chapter - Texas Restaurant Association

The Greater Houston Chapter of the Texas Restaurant Association promotes the growth of the local restaurant industry through networking, education and local advocacy. We are active in our communities, offering members opportunities to get involved.


*In the event of a rain-out, the GHRA will make an attempt to reschedule and may be forced to cancel the tournament should rescheduling not be possible. However, the GHRA will make every effort to generate exposure of your business with gratitude for your sponsorship.

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