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FVLHS Application for Coaching

Personal Information

Current Employment Information


What is your education? Please enter N/A in fields that do not apply *
 Name & LocationYearsGrade Level and/or Degree
High School
College or University
Specialized Training, Trade School, etc.
Other Education

Coaching Interest

Below, indicate all levels you feel confident coaching. *

Athletic Experience & Expertise

List the organized interscholastic sports in which you participated, beginning in 10th grade.

Click the + sign to add more lines.


What is your coaching experience? *

Please rate yourself in the following coaching abilities.
Leadership Qualities *
Knowledge of Sports Skills *
Ability to Teach *
Rapport With Athletes *
Energy Level *
Role Model for Young People *
Emotional Control Under Pressure *
Are you willing to donate your time, or do you need reimbursement? FVL may give a small gift of thank you. *

Reference (Pastor)

Reference (Co-worker or Coach)

Reference (Sports Official or Opposing Coach)

Letter of Certification (required by FVL Board of Regents)

Please choose one from below. *
Please mark one of the below statements. *

Coaching Requirement

If this is a WIAA coaching position, the WIAA requires all coaches to either be licensed to teach in the state of Wisconsin or employed as full-time instructors in a school. CNLT’s (coaches not licensed to teach) may coach for one year only. CNLT’s passing the “Fundamentals of Coaching” and “First Aid for Coaches” courses will be certified to coach beyond one year. Courses are online at www.NFHS.org (FVL will reimburse your course expenses upon course completion.)

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