FVLHS Header
Host Family Application
Thank you for your interest in serving as an FVL host family. After the form has been submitted, someone will contact you to set up an appointment for a home visit.

Host Parents

Number of Host Parents *

Host Parent 1 Information

Host Parent 1 - Gender *

Host Parent 1 - Best way to be reached *

Host Parent 2 Information

Host Parent 2 Gender *

Family Information

Airport for Arrival (with airport code) *

Family Life / Expectations

Have you ever hosted an international student before? *
Our family would prefer . . . *
Does anyone in the home smoke? *
Will the student share a room? *
Do you or any family members (check as many as apply) . . . *


Thank you for completing this form. Please note that completion of this application does not confirm the placement of a student in your home.

Please click "Submit" to complete the application.