Associate Toolkit Acknowledgement

I understand that this Associate Toolkit describes important information about the Ecolab Pest Elimination Division and the Work Rules applicable to my position. I understand that I should consult my manager or Human Resources about questions not answered in this toolkit. I understand that this edition supersedes all prior Ecolab & You publications. I also understand that the most current addition is posted on the Pest Portal which can be accessed by typing in Associate Toolkit or clicking here
I understand my responsibility to follow all work rules, laws and regulations and all company policies, including safety policies. I understand that violating these laws, regulations or policies will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. 
I understand that, other than employment at will, this does not create a contract of employment between Ecolab and any associate. I understand that Ecolab reserves the right to revoke or modify its policies and procedures with or without notice. 

Key Policies

These ten key points below summarize selected critical policies:
    • Associates must abide by the Work Rules as a condition of their continuing employment at Ecolab.
    • Associates must read and follow label directions at all times.
    • Associates must perform work in compliance with state licensing and certification requirements.
    • Associates must not loan or give equipment or pesticides to customers. Limited General Use pesticides may be sold in accordance with applicable state law and company policy.
    • Associates must follow company protocols in performing service. This includes wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other safety equipment required by pesticide label(s) or by company policies.
    • Associates must use service vehicles only for business use unless they have specific prior manager approval. Associates are prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages, taking controlled substances or being under the influence of either while driving company vehicles.
    • Associates who drive vehicles must have a valid driver’s license in their state of residence, a satisfactory driving record and must report all vehicle-related incidents immediately.
    • Associates must complete all training requirements.
    • Associates may not engage in employment outside Ecolab if such employment competes with Ecolab, provides services or assistance to an Ecolab competitor, or interferes with assigned duties at Ecolab. Performing pest control or pest elimination work of any kind outside of Ecolab business is strictly forbidden and grounds for immediate termination.
    • Associates who complete CSRs and/or invoices without performing the service or in advance of performing the service are in violation of Ecolab’s Code of Conduct and will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Employee Signature *