Proscan: Request for Data Change

Note: This form is for updating the actual data on previously completed reports such as to update incorrectly reported pest types or counts. This form is NOT for adding or removing traps - any requests that are received for adding or removing traps will be rejected as they will need to be completed in the Pest app via self-service. Instructions on how to add or remove traps via self-service can be found on the Pest Portal (Self Service). If you are in need of additional barcodes please reach out to your FOM.


Once the information below is received we will reach out to your manager for approval and then a final approval will be requested to process your request. 

If you have any questions you can reach out to Proscan support at 855-727-9011 or email

Please double check all account numbers and descriptions of needed changes.

Proscan Change Information:

0/700 characters
0/700 characters
0/700 characters

Do you have another change to add?

Proscan Change Information #2:

0/700 characters
0/700 characters
0/700 characters

Do you have another change to add?

Proscan Change Information #3:

0/700 characters
0/700 characters
0/700 characters

Do you have another change to add?

Proscan Change Information #4:

0/700 characters
0/700 characters
0/700 characters

Do you have another change to add?

Proscan Change Information #5:

0/700 characters
0/700 characters
0/700 characters

Do you have another change to add?

Proscan Change Information #6:

0/700 characters
0/700 characters
0/700 characters

Do you have another change to add?

Proscan Change Information #7:

0/700 characters
0/700 characters
0/700 characters

Do you have another change to add?

Proscan Change Information #8:

0/700 characters
0/700 characters
0/700 characters

Do you have another change to add?

Proscan Change Information #9:

0/700 characters
0/700 characters
0/700 characters

Do you have another change to add?

Proscan Change Information #10:

0/700 characters
0/700 characters
0/700 characters

There are Ten (10) entry fields available.  If you have more
please submit an additional form.

If you have any questions/concerns on your request please reach out to or call 855-727-9011.
