American Diabetes Association Call for Session Proposals

The American Diabetes Association’s Scientific Sessions will be held in Chicago, IL June 20-23, 2025. Session proposals are welcomed and encouraged.

Submitted proposals will be considered for inclusion in the Scientific Sessions program. The Scientific Sessions Meeting Planning Committee will make their final selection during the September 2024 committee meeting.

*Submission Deadline: Friday, July 26, 2024*

Please complete all required fields below:

1. I confirm that no commercial entity whose products or services are related to the content of this session proposal has provided input into the content of this session proposal. A commercial entity is defined as an entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. *
2. I confirm that I am not an employee or a corporate board member of a commercial entity, as described above, whose products or services are related to the content of this session proposal. *
3. I confirm that none of the proposed presenters or session chair(s) is an employee or a corporate board member of a commercial entity, as described above, whose products or services are related to the content of this proposal. *
4. I understand and agree that the American Diabetes Association may select all or part of my session proposal for inclusion in the 2025 Scientific Sessions, and that the American Diabetes Association, at its sole discretion, may change the presenters, chair(s), presentation and session titles, and other content without notifying me, and that I have no rights of ownership regarding the content of this session proposal once I have submitted it for consideration.   *