* Asterisks denote required items
State Seal of Colorado
Deactivate CARES User(s)
Colorado Office of the Child's Representative

How to use this form: Current OCR contractors may complete this form for OCR to deactivate office member(s) in CARES, meaning those individuals will no longer be able to log in to your office in CARES.  Please include your name to authorize this change; OCR will send an extra confirmation message to the email on file for you.
Please complete this form only after any data entry by the office member(s) is complete.  You can update staff at any time from CARES > User Settings > My Office (upper right-hand buttons).

Full Name(s) to Deactivate in CARES:
Use the plus sign if needed to list multiple office members to deactivate. *
Click "Submit" to complete your deactivation request.  Thank you!