State Seal of Colorado
Colorado Office of the Child's Representative (OCR)
1300 Broadway, Ste 320, Denver 80203 | P (303) 860-1517 | F (303) 860-1735 |

OCR Core Competencies I: Orientation for New Attorneys
Registration Form

When: July 7-8, 2022 | 8:00am - 5:00pm | 

Location: Ralph Carr Judicial Center | 1300 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

This Core Competencies I training is designed for new OCR attorneys, OCR attorneys with 1-3 years of experience in the practice, and non-OCR attorneys interested in GAL work. This training is required for new attorneys who will be starting a contract with OCR beginning July 1, 2022.
The training will cover the Role of the GAL, Requirements and Strategies of an Independent Investigation per the CJD, Child and Youth Development, Youth Engagement, Implicit Bias, Trauma, Sources of Law, Special Issues, Stages of a D&N Proceeding, Stages of a JD Proceeding, and Assessing Child Safety.


Your Role *
Do you plan to attend the reception on Thursday evening? *
Dietary Restrictions
We are only able to accommodate vegetarian and gluten-free in addition to our standard menu. We will do our best to accommodae diary free as well, but that is not guaranteed. If you do not have these restrictions, please skip this question. If you have other restrictions, please plan to bring or purchase your own lunch.
NOTE: You have selected no dietary restrictions above, and we will provide you the standard menu. Out of consideration for others who require the specialized meals, please do not pick up a vegetarian or gluten-free meal at the event. Thank you for your help!