When: April 10-11, 2025 | 9:00am - 4:00pm
Conference Format: Virtual via Zoom
Join us for the 2025 Excellence in Youth Defense Conference! The Office of the State Public Defender, the Office of the Alternate Defense Counsel, the Office of the Child's Representative, and the Transformative Justice Project of Colorado have partnered again this year to offer a 2-day conference focused on juvenile delinquency cases and youth justice advocacy.
Conference Structure: Thursday April 10th will include 6 general sessions. Friday April 11th will include a "101" track and "201" track, allowing participants to attend the sessions of their choice.
Thursday April 10th
General Sessions
- Opening Panel: Representative Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Representative Tim Hernandez
- Youth Bill of Rights: Justice Engaged Student Bill of Rights, Division of Youth Services Bill of Rights, Foster Youth Bill of Rights
- Youth System 101: Basics of Juvenile Delinquency Cases
- Competency
- Wellness
- White Supremacy in the Youth Defense Advocacy Community
Friday April 11th
Opening session: Detention Screening Tool and Mandatory Hold Statutes
Track 101 sessions:
- Obtaining Records 101
- Youth System 101: Basics of Juvenile Delinquency Cases
- Juvenile Sex Offense Evaluations and Treatment
- Lived Experience presentation
Track 201 sessions:
- Litigating Contempt Against the Department of Human Services
- Immigration Issues in Light of New Federal Policies
- YOS Revocations and Client Experience
- Obtaining Records: Brainstorming 201
- FLY: Youth Perspective and Experience with their Defense Teams
Conference details will be sent to registrants in the coming months. A final agenda with Zoom links to join each session will be sent closer to the conference date. We anticipate being able to record these sessions if speakers grant permission. CLE will be provided.
**This conference is limited to attorneys and their legal teams representing youth in the juvenile justice system.