Student Medical Records Form

To ensure your child receives comprehensive health care in the event of an illness or injury in school or whilst participating on a school trip, please answer every question fully. This information will be shared with the treating medical authorities present at the time
Personal Information
Gender *
Emergency Contact Information
Student home address
Student vaccination Details

Vaccine schedules differ from one country to another due to particular health concerns of each country. Please see UAE schedule for your reference: Children's health - The Official Portal of the UAE Government

The Health Authority requires that the school maintains current information of each child’s immunisation history.

Therefore, we require you to update them throughout their time in school.

I confirm that the attached photocopy is a true copy of my child’s immunisation record.

Parent signature *

School Health Screening Consent 2023/24

The Department of Health-Abu Dhabi mandates that all children in Years 1-13 are screened annually for health concerns. This screening includes height, weight and body mass index. All results are recorded and transferred to the Department of Health-Abu Dhabi as mandated. 

I consent to my child being included in the mandated health screening as outlined above.
Parent signature
Student Medical History
Does your child have any of the following medical conditions: *
Does your child suffer from any other chronic diseases not listed above? *
Does your child take medication on a daily basis? *
Does your child have visual difficulties? *
Do they wear? *
Is your child receiving current or ongoing treatment for any medical, surgical or psychological condition? *

Consent for the Administration of Medications and Emergency Treatment 

In the event that your child becomes unwell, or he/she has injured him/herself, it may be necessary to administer specific medication or undertake treatment.

This is to authorise the School Nurse or trip leader to administer the appropriate treatment for the various situations that may arise.

If your child is unable to use any of these medications, please contact the School Nurse to discuss the use of an alternative.

I have read and understood the list of the medications or solutions used at the School.

I consent to my child being given the above age-appropriate medications should it be considered necessary.

In the event of an emergency, I consent for my child to be taken to a doctor or hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

Parent signature *
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