Application Information:


What type of membership are you applying for:
(Please only select one)


If applying for a Family or Senior Couple membership:
List all person to be included on the membership (excluding yourself) 

Income Documentation

Please provide as many of the following forms of income documentation that apply to your household and reflect your current income.

*If you are applying for Family or Senior Couple membership, we require income documentation for both adults in the household.

Federal Taxes: Federal Tax Form(s) for the current year for all income in household
Employer Paystubs: 2 most recent paystubs
Government Assistance: DHS/Food Assistance-Full report showing awarded amount, SSI/SSDI/Pension Report- Official letter or bank statements showing awarded amount
Student Documentation: Finanical Aid Budget breakdown
Additional Documentation: Child Support-Offical letter showing awarded amount
Unemployement Benefits-Offical letter showing awarded amount

*Please DO NOT just upload pictures of bridge cards, insurance cards, photo ID's, etc. This does not show proof of income. Documents that state income amounts are what need to be uploaded. Thank you.

Please be advised that proof of income is required to demonstrate your ability to cover your portion of the membership fee. Kindly note that financial assistance is available, but it does not cover the entire cost of the membership.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


I certify that the above information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge, and that I do not have additional income not represented above. I agree, if necessary, to send additional information and documentation to support the above statements. I understand that flexible pricing is based on need. In the event that I or my children must cancel our participation, I will contact the YMCA immediately so that this benefit may be provided to others. I understand that if I falsify any of the above information, I will not be eligible for assistance now and/or in the future. 


Applications are reviewed on the 1st and 15th of each month.

You will then receive a determination letter by email.

We do not mail out letters. 

If you have not received an email response within two weeks of applying please email


Thank You! 

If you'd like to tell us more; Use this space to include any additional information, extenuating circumstances or examples (major medical expenses not covered by insurance, divorce, job loss, change in income, etc.) that were not included in this application.

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