 - Please check colour coding on Availability Calendar to see which dates are available.
   (Red means not available. For dates marked yellow please send in Tour Enquiry FoRm instead)
-  Please note that this is a Reservation Request only
-  We will answer your booking inquiry within 24 hours.
-  For bookings within 2 days please call us at 250.726.8289
Which Tour? *
                                                Please inquire about children younger than 2 years

Meal Information:  
Evening Wildlife Cruise:  Please choose "No meals required" as there is no food served on this cruise
Broken Group Islands Wildlife Cruise: We recommend having the gourmet lunch as it is part of the experience we offer.  Most of our guests opt for this, however you are welcome to bring your own meal if you prefer.  
If you do wish to have the meal we provide, please let us know your menu choice(s). To see the full menu, please click on the following link: GOURMET MEAL MENU
For those who prefer a lighter lunch we recommend either the salmon or vegetatian meal (Cobb Salad), for those with larger appetites we recommend the chicken meal.
Gourmet Meals * 🛈

How can we get hold of you the day before the tour?
Please note that we will contact you only if we have to. Usually there is no need.


-  We have a 48 hour cancellation policy
-  We take payment on the day of the trip. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Canadian Debit Card, Cash.

Thanks for filling out this booking request.  You will hear back from us soon.