High Twelve International, Inc.
Forms Supply Order
Shipping Information
Items with an
Today's Date
Club Name & Number
Your Name
Your email address
Street Address
City - State - Zip Code +4
Contact Phone Number
Order Details: enter quantity of each item you are ordering in the box to the left.
EA C-001 State Association Charter - Replacement
EA C-002 Club Charter - Replacement or name change
--- F-201 Dues Cards - custom, provide "period" in comment below
EA F-207 Charter Member Certificate
EA F-208 New Member Certificate
EA F-208B Reinstated Member Certificate
EA F-209 Honorary Member Certificate
EA F-213 Cer Acknowledgement, Appreciation and Recognition
EA F-214 Honorary Member Dues Card
EA F-210 Cert of Appreciation Guest Speaker with lines
EA F-210b Cert of Appreciation Guest Speaker w/o lines
EA F-211 Cert of Appreciation Entertainment with lines
EA F-211b Cert of Appreciation Entertainment w/o lines
ST F-215 25 Get Well Cards w/envelopes
ST F-216 25 Birthday Cards w/envelopes
EA F-217 Club Past President Certificate
EA F-218 Association Past President Certificate
EA F-219 Certificate of Service
ST F-220 12 Formal Note Cards w/envelopes
ST F-224 25 Sympathy Cards w/envelopes
EA F-228 Club Meets Here flyer
EA F-233 3 Star Certificates - club level
EA F-234 4 Star Certificates - association level
EA F-235 5 Star Certificates - international level
EA F-236 10 Yr Membership Certificate
EA F-237 20 Yr Membership Certificate
EA F-238 30 Yr Membership Certificate
EA F-239 40 Yr Membership Certificate
EA F-239b 50 Yr Membership Certificate
EA F-240 $100k Endowment Fund Cert/Pin (100.00)
EA F-240b $100k Endowment Fund Application
EA F-244 State High Twelvian of the Year Certificate
EA F-300 HTI Pocket Petition - Member
EA F-301 HTI Brochure with application
EA F-302 HTI Information Brochure
C-002 Club
there is a $25.00 fee (payable next page with PayPal) plus shipping and handling that will billed at the time of shipping. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Amount Due Total:
Enter customization information here. IE: full name, date, occasion, etc. For
0/800 characters
Be sure to include specific information required to customize a specific form(s).
If you have any questions please contact the international office:
High Twelve International, Inc.
1308 Brownsville Rd.
Trevose, PA. 19053-4609
All rights reserved 2014-24